It's too difficult to decide whether to continue or give up. It is so difficult! You cant just give in everyday trying to be normal while your inner soul is crying broken and you wish to die but you dont have enough courage to do so being crippled at your own state helplessly dying in your own self created world where nobody live except you? where nobody treats you well and you have to be self sustaining for this life. When you think everything has ended and nobody will take care of you and you will be left alone forever. Imagining good scenarios when everything you yourself are shattered, you cant even mercy on yourself, what will you do for others?
Is life this short? Or you made it? Yes Indeed you, you made it like that towards worse of yourself, that pain you have inside! Nobody know that under beautiful smile of yours. Please don't try to act normal become Normal. Feel no pain, stop dying inside yourself, stop treating yourself like an after thought make yourself a Priority. Dont depend on anyone except You Yourself. LOVE YOURSELF be gentle to yourself rather harming! You are bein loved, we all are. We just habe to wait for the 'Time' to play its magic on Us.
And time plays its magic on us for sure. We need to be patient and look for the small miracles until the big magic